All about night vision devices

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Technology has advanced to a great extent; image intensification devices are one of the examples of such advancement. There is a device, PVS-14, that helps in image intensification. Even in a low-light environment,these devices help in increasing the visibility of the surroundings. Such devices are used in various sectors such as the military, they help in carrying out the operations even in low light. It is very important for the military armies to stay alert in all types of environments whether cold or hot, daylight or low light, etc. This device has helped them to a great extent. The use of snipers during low light or bad weather has been made possible and easy through such intensification devices. Thermal imagers and image intensifiers are coupled together to make such intensification devices.

How does an image intensifier work?

It is optical having the main intent of improving and enhancing the ability to see of the spectator. During low light, it becomes difficult to see the surroundings, but an image intensifying device makes it possible to have a vision in such conditions as well. There are non-visible light sources that are, with the help of X-rays and Gama rays, converted into visible light sources. In simple words, it can also be said that there are energy particles that are converted and make it possible to see the surroundings in a dark environment.

Evolution of image intensification technology

In the earlier time, the snipers used to bringimage converters into use that with the help ofinfrared light sources to have an image of the mark or prey, in simple words, in illuminating the target. But with time, evolution kept taking place and a starlight scope was developed. This scope was comprised of three tubes of clear image intensifiers that helped in producing the clear centre image. Just like more scopes were developed that were brought into use for image enhancement purposes by the military army.

Thermal imaging technologies

There is no relation between both the technologies mentioned above but the use of thermal technology is also for night vision. But the way, in which vision is created is different from the way of creating ability to see by the image intensification devices. Thermal intensification does not make use of light sources, instead of that, it uses heat generated by the target. The enhancement of the vision will depend upon the extent of the heat emitted by the target. More heat means more visibility.

The enhancement of vision is more when image intensification and thermal imagers are used together in a combination. Earlier, thermal imagers were big and hard to use. But with time, uncooled thermal imagers were developed that were easy to use.

Like other devices, PVS-14 is one of such devices, it is used by the military armyduring the night operations that are ground-based. It has superior performance than the old devices. It is used by both eyes by achieving the optimum balance in the images. Furthermore, it is water proud, and its battery can last for 50 hours if used at room temperature.

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