How To Design A Water-Efficient Home

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Due to modern infrastructure, the water supply for many homes is no longer severely limited. Even in dry seasons, you just open the faucets, and the water you need to use readily flows out. Water can be used in plenty for cooking, drinking, bathing, gardening, and washing. However, when your access to water is cut off, it can be difficult to perform your daily activities.

Despite its seeming abundance, it’s still best to reduce water usage in your homes because it reduces the water bill and protects the environment. With that in mind, it’s essential to design water efficiency strategies to make an environment a safer place.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are communities that continue to find it challenging to access plenty of clean water. So, it’s advised to get a good water filter to ensure the safety of whatever water they have access to.

Regardless of your circumstances, you can benefit from water-efficient designs that help you save water for cooking and drinking. Below are some ideas to help you have a water-efficient home:

  1. Roof Collection

Roof collection is often a better way to irrigate your garden and wash your vehicle and pets. However, you can’t use it for cooking and drinking because the water isn’t treated in any way.

Depending on the number of times you receive rain in your region, you may be able to easily keep your garden and landscape watered without negatively impacting your water bills. Moreover, you can decide to get water tanks to help you preserve water during dry seasons. If you’re looking to implement these new measures in your home, you should also explore options to meet BASIX requirements.

Also, it’s essential to confirm with the agency you’re working with if your country allows you to gather rainwater or not. Some location restricts rainwater collection. If your state provides water collection, ensure your roof has gutter, downspouts, and secured containers to avoid contamination.

  1. Low-flow Bathroom Fixtures

Installing low-flow bathrooms, toilets, and faucets can automatically reduce the amount of water you use monthly. Using low-flush can help you save on water bills for the toilets because the amount of water you’ll be using is rationed.

Typically, a sink faucet will dispense water at a higher rate than efficient sink faucets. The WaterSense agency reports that this design can save up to 40-showers-worth of water used the whole year.

In addition, low-flow fixtures reduce demands on a home’s water tanks and provide owners with energy savings on top of the benefits of conserving water.

  1. Installing A Timer In Your Shower

Sometimes, especially during summertime, people may take longer showers than usual because of the extreme heat. If that applies to you, a shower timer may come in handy. You can install a timer in your shower to check on your water consumption. When the time detects that you’re taking more time than usual in the shower, it automatically shuts off.

  1. Buy A Dishwasher

A dishwasher may be considered a luxurious appliance, but it saves you time, reduces your water bill, and conserves the environment. Using a dishwasher typically uses less water compared to when washing your dishes with your hands. The concept is similar to how a high-efficiency washer saves more water than traditional washing machines. Therefore, simply by installing a dishwasher, you can instantly make your home more water-efficient.

Buy A Dishwasher

  1. Drive Your Car To The Car Wash

Unless you’re using rainwater, it’s advised to take your car to the car wash to save on water. The hoses they use to wash cars can effectively cleanse your car with less water than handwashing it at home. Moreover, when you clean your car yourself at home, you inadvertently release polluted water into the environment. The water then drains into drains that were meant for rainwater. Also, garden hoses use more water than high-pressure hoses used in the car wash.

  1. Reuse Greywater

Greywater is water discharged from the washing machine, showers, and sinks. The government often limits or regulates the use of greywater because it can be contaminated. So, ensure you don’t drink it or cook using it. Moreover, this water should only be used on your property within 24 hours. If not, it should be released to the sewer.

You can have dedicated diversions installed in your house by the mechanic. The mechanical systems don’t rely on manual operations, although the system requires some maintenance.


Water conservation starts with sound strategic planning. Implementing the right strategies can help you save plenty of water in your home, which may also help reduce your monthly water bill. If you’re interested in designing a water-efficient home, try to implement any of the suggestions discussed in this article.

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